WRSDC Fall Meeting
October 10, 2020


WRSDC Fall Meeting


  Saturday, ​October 10th was a great day for a drive to Fond du Lac and 15 members of WRSDC came with 5 lovely Studebakers and braved the virus and stayed well to attend the Fall Meeting at Schmitty's Oar Bar and Grill.  ​After reluctantly going indoors with our masks on. ​(it was a beautiful day...) ​we sat down and the meeting was called to order approximately 11:30 am.  by president Rick Rechek.  A count was taken and it was determined that according to Article IX Section 1 of our WRSDC by-laws which states:  "A quorum shall consist of at least two elected officers and 20​ members of the club."   ​Since we were short of a quorum (even with the two pet dogs that came ​with their owners ...) we could not vote on electing officers at this meeting.​ The waitress came around to take our lunch orders ​and the meeting began.
Rick Rechek